Ed D.'s review of Westside Appraisal, LLC

Westside Appraisal, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/5/2011
. 2
. 0
This is prime for American Greed and he must be stopped.
Do not believe any bankruptcy information until it is clearly completed. It is a tactic to have you drop any possible suits. We are in pending litigation with Westside and he had a company from Florida known as PDA try and offer a settlement for a fraction of the total and has also attempted to have the court case dismissed which did not happen. Nations, Westside must be reported to the FBI fraud division. This is prime for American Greed and he must be stopped. IF YOU ARE OWEN MONEY - WRITE A NOTE TO THE BANKRUPCTY JUDGE EXPLAINING THE ISSUES AND HERE IS THE LINK FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE TO FILE COMPLAINT...http://ag.ca.gov/contact/complaint_form.php?cmplt=CL Westside Appraisal and No known as Nations Appraisal Group had ordered real estate appraisal reports through the office of Central Appraisal in Philadelphia in 2009 and did not pay. They did agreed to pay in installments and have not followed through or returned the e-mails or phone calls and the matter is now in process of litigation. If anyone has this same issue and would like to pursue a class action type of suit or criminal complaint - please e-mail your contact information to PhilaLawoffices@aol.com debts that automatically survive bankruptcy, such as child support, most tax debts, and student loans, unless the court rules otherwise, anddebts that the court has declared nondischargeable because the creditor objected (for example, debts incurred by your fraud or malicious acts).
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