Marie L.'s review of Synergy Expansion, LLC

Synergy Expansion, LLC

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 2/3/2011
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Review 2/3/2011
I graduated college like my parents told me to. Now it was time to go into the job market. But what a time to graduate! I couldn’t get a call back, much less an interview. My parents told me that I once I get a degree that getting a job would be easy. After answering the ad on craigslist, the process was a speedy one. I love the fact that they didn’t waste my time during the interview process. They called me back a few hours after my 1st interview. My second interview was a little longer, but I didn’t have to wait days to know if I was hired or not. What they do, and what they sometimes call themselves, is a boss factory. I was taught how to market, train others how to market, how to manage a group, and the administrative work that goes into running your own business. What did I have to do in return? Work a little harder than I’m used to, be self motivated. And self disciplined. Let me tell you, I didn’t have the best self discipline in the world, but once you get into that boss mentality, you realize that being the boss requires you to be the foundation for your people. They took my analytical skills I picked up in college, mixed it with their hands-on training, and am well on my way to have a piece of the American dream: Working for yourself, dictating what you’re worth.
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