Jose D.'s review of Synergy Expansion, LLC

Synergy Expansion, LLC

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/10/2011
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Review 1/10/2011
I've been with Synergy for since late September and I'm loving this opportunity. I've always wanted to start my own business but didn't know exactly how to go about it.

This company gives you the chance to to run your own business with no investment, no need to buy the inventory and no need to push said inventory on loved ones.

They train you from the bottom up, starting with the marketing, how to train and manage others, and how to manage the books. Once you're done, they will put you in a location that you'll be in charge of.

What do they ask of you? You need to have a strong work ethic, be trainable and self motivated. The training takes care of the rest.

Let's be honest here. Working for yourself, no matter what business you are in will prove to be challenging at the beginning. You will work harder than you ever have in your life. It takes dedication, sacrifice, and having a long term vision for success. This opportunity eases some of the hardships (No investment, no need to take out loans, put up collateral,etc.), but you'll still have to put in the work. But the rewards and end result are well worth it. You will get keys to your own office, and call your own shots.
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