Fun Company, Great Positive Atmosphere, Learned So Much!
I worked for 5 different companies before I started working with Synergy Expansion. In each of those companies, I had to start from the bottom and work my way up. The problem was the glass ceiling that most companies hold over people. I would get to a low level supervisor position then it would just stop there. After getting frustrated over it I would try again with another company. Unfortunately the same thing would happen! Five different companies, Five different industries, and the same problem over and over. Albert Einstein said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I thought well let's give this a shot. I went through with it. Finished training and now running an office! I can grow as much as I want! The funniest thing about this is that before I went through training, I couldn't find a job for my life. After 4 weeks of training all of a sudden I was getting job offers out of no where because of the people skills I learned with Synergy!
Synergy Expansion is truly a great company. I come to find that anyone who actually starts and sticks with it for at least a week are always positive. The ones who don't even start because someone told them the wrong information or read some ridiculous forum post on the internet are just plain negative. They're looking to be negative.
Thank you Synergy Expansion! Thank you Evan and Liz!